defensive driving classes

Click HERE to VIEW “In Class” SCHEDULE-$49

Click HERE to PURCHASE the “In Class” option ($49)

See below regarding our option of doing the class ONLINE.

Due to limited space/distancing issues.. “Walk-Ins” for the class is acceptable, but we offer the option of reserving for the class by MAKING PAYMENT for the class in advance. Reservations are only held until the class start time, after that the reservation is forfeited.

“Walk-Ins” are invited, but must come BEFORE class start time to sign in to take class. 

LATE students unfortunately may be REJECTED depending on class capacity and or cutoff time to take class.

Make sure you bring your picture license (or temporary license with valid photo ID). Meet 15 minutes before class start times.

Unfortunately NO CHILDREN are allowed in classrooms/office during class. MASKS ARE OPTIONAL for “in-person” classes. Classroom is set up with dividers between seats. 


“In Person” Defensive Driving Classes -$49.00*

(*price effective 3/1/22)


Certificates received within 7-10 days from class completion!  

What Will Our Defensive Driving Class Cover?

Traffic Laws and Procedures — Helps you understand the what and the why of driving laws and procedures.

Alcohol and Traffic Safety — Explains how alcohol and drugs affect driving and highway safety, raises your awareness of the risks of drinking and driving, and describes the mental and physical effects of alcohol.

Physical Forces That Affect Driver Control — Helps you understand physical forces that influence your control and your vehicle’s performance, including speed, acceleration, deceleration, brake and accelerator control, traction, wet roads, and basic physics of driving.

Perceptual Skills — Shows how the factors of perception (visibility, hearing and feeling) affect your driving performance. You’ll develop practical skills such as managing time, speed, and space; establishing safe following distances; driving with added loads; and reacting safely.

Defensive Driving Strategies — Shows you how to reduce the chance of an accident or injury. You’ll learn how to handle hazards, and respond to other drivers on the highway.

Emergencies — Helps you identify common driving emergencies and take the right action. You’ll be able to take proper action in case of a collision, recover if you go off the road, and respond to mechanical malfunctions such as tire blow-outs, brake failure, skids, or power steering failure.

Occupant Restraints and Protective Equipment — Explores the reasons for having and using safety belts, air bags, child seats, headrests, and motorcycle helmets. You’ll discover how safety restraints work and how they protect people in a collision.

Special Skills for Difficult Driving Situations — Identifies special conditions that affect your driving and your vehicle’s performance. We will also review techniques for safe driving on expressways, in cities, and during bad weather.

The attached Schedule lists the next available dates for for the defensive driving courses we offer. This class is only for people with a valid permit or license. It allows you to save 10% on your liability and collision insurance. It also helps to take off up to 4 points off your license at the DMV on any existing ticket on your driving record in which you were convicted for in the last 18 months. 


VIEW “In Class” Schedule

NEW- We now offer the DDC ONLINE– CLICK BELOW 

Defensive Driving

Contact Us For More Information!

Call Now! (718) 922-2600



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